Thursday 16 December 2021

Open Shift CLI Commands

Openshift CLI commands 

1)oc login clusterURL : used to connect to cluster.

2)oc project projectName : used to select project that need to be used.

3)oc get pods : to get pod details.

4)oc get dc : to get deployment configs detail.

5)oc get rc : to get replication controller details.

6)oc get services : to get services details.

7)oc get routes : to get route details.

8)oc scale --replicas=2 podname : to scale replicas to 2 and this will ensure that always there are 2 instances running with auto healing capability which means in case any instance goes down then it will try to bring instance up automatically.

9)oc policy  : to provide access to. different users and groups.

10)oc rsh podname : take remote session of POD for debugging and inspecting.Though pod or a container is immutable. but we can take remote session and check in case there is any issue in POD .

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