Thursday 29 July 2021

MAC shortcut for daily use.

Some of the basic shortcuts I cam across while working with MAC.

1) Terminal:

  • Copy and paste:
command + c || command + v
  • Break a process:
control + c
  • Go to the beginning of a line inside the terminal:
fn + shift + left arrow
  • Go to the end of a line inside the terminal:
fn + shift + right arrow
  • New window:
command + N
  • New tab:
command + T
  • Close a tab:
command + W
  • Go to tab number 1 || 2 .. etc:
command 1 || command 2 ... etc
  • Search in history commands:
control + R
  • Exit current shell:
control + D
  • Delete text where the cursor is:
fn + delete

2) Chrome:

  • Open the Developer Tools Chrome:
command + option + I || command + option + J || command + Shift + C.
  • New incognito window:
shift + command + N
  • open last closed tab:
command + shift + T
  • Open downloads:
option + command + L

3) General:

  • Navigate through more than one window for the same application:
command + `
  • Open new tab:
command + tab
  • Close current tab:
command + w
  • Home button (go to the beginning of a page):
fn + left arrow
  • End button (go to the end of a page)
fn + right arrow
  • Go to the beginning of a line:
command + left arrow
  • Go to the end of a line:
command + right arrow
  • Get next opened tab:
control + tab
  • Get the previously opened tab:
control + shift + tab
  • Open new tab:
command + t
  • Delete text in front of the cursor:
fn + delete

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